Monday, February 24, 2014


Disclaimer/Disclosure/Legal Bore.

It isn't fun. It's serious, but it is for the legal people and the government. No sense in making them mad and costing everyone time and money.

I am just a Southern lady who doesn't blog for a living. My husband and all my friends thought it would be fun for me to start a blog and after turning 31, I decided to follow their advice and my own passion (makeup! beauty! randomness!). This blog was born of my personal desire to share all that.

This is my own personal blog. Anything reviewed/said/posted is based on my own views and experiences with products (and isn't everything a product?). I might like something and it totally works for me, but you might have a nasty experience with it. Everyone has an opinion, a bad day, a good day, and personal tastes. I just chose this blog as a medium to share what I think. There are a different products for different people. Please, respect this and we will all get along just fine.

I reserve the right to post my own personal opinions and anything else that I want because this is my space. If I use an image I personally did not take, I used in them in the belief that they were in the public domain and knowing I am not the owner. If I have made an error, and you are the owner of an image and want it taken down, please feel free to email me. I will take them down as soon as possible.

That being said, I am not responsible for the results of any of the items used/reviewed/featured on this site. Mileage may vary. Use any and all products that come into contact with your body with caution. We all react differently, and I am not to be held responsible for something that may or may not work for me, and you having the complete opposite experience. Heed all warnings and use common sense. Once again, I am not responsible for what happens to your body--only you are.

All words, reviews, utterances, and opinions here are my own, unless otherwise cited, and are based upon my own experiences. I am NOT PAID for my reviews, nor am I affiliated with any brand mentioned on my blog, anywhere. I am not using affiliate links at this time, and I reserve the right to use them if it comes up at a future date. I will disclose that if it ever occurs. Any links I use right now are to point you in the right direction if you are interested in making a purchase.

At this time, all products were purchased by me or gifts from personal friends. I do not have anything given to me from any company. I will give my honest thoughts on the product and sometimes this is a rave and sometimes it will be a rant. It will always be like that because honesty is best when informing anyone about a product. If I didn't want to be honest about what I am getting, or you did want me to be, then why am I here? You?

Also, I reserve the right to moderate all comments posted to this blog. Reader comments do not reflect the views of the editor. Trolls will be dealt with like trolls should always be dealt with--firmly and swiftly. This means deleting comments, ignoring, and blocking. Rude, insulting, mean-spirited comments will not be tolerated. Also, grammar, spelling, typing tyrants take note--I own my mistakes. Please don't point them out. I will probably be very much aware of them. Just calm down.

Finally, I am not a professional makeup artist nor will I ever claim to be one unless that day actually comes. Please refrain from "helpful" comments or body snarking or just general bullying. If you wouldn't say it to my face as I am walking about in Wal-Mart, then don't say it here. I am also not a doctor, or any other type of professional (besides medical paperwork then I have you covered). If you have MUA- or doctor-type questions, please direct them towards the appropriate people. Or Google. Google is the oracle, even though Google lies sometimes.

THIS BLOG IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. By coming here, you are acknowledging the statements above.

Love you guys! Stay positive and keep on keeping on!

Southern Fried.

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