Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Dr. Hauschka Lavender Sandalwood Body Moisturizer Review

I won this through a contest on Instagram on my personal account...(no affiliate links!)

I sometimes have the best of luck on contests through Instagram and Facebook. I have gotten eyeshadows and a necklace previously, and just last month I won this body lotion through a company-sponsored giveaway on Instagram. Pretty cool, hu? 

More on the lotion after the jump!

Dr. Hauschka is a natural skin care and cosmetics line available through the company's website,, Amazon, or through various other retailers such as Whole Foods. I hard about the company through my wonderful cousin Sarah about two years ago, and I love their rose day cream. 

I also just might be in massive love with this body lotion.

I have really sensitive skin and a sensitive nose. I won't lie and say that I don't love Bath and Body Works, because I do, but I find that most of their scents are too overwhelming and the product begins to break me out after a few uses. I can't just be throwing out full bottles of lotion! So I have been stuck in Curel unscented land for a little while, which is just fine because it works like a dream and doesn't bother my skin or nose.

This might be my new go-to lotion for when I want to smell good year-round! The scent is lavender, tamed with sandalwood, with notes of lemon balm and woods. It is an earthy scent but not un-natural. I find that it lingers a bit around me but is not overpowering. It is also not overly feminine, and I can see some men liking it due to the sandalwood notes.

The moisture levels are also good, with only a few touch-ups in the dry heat we have been having here over the past couple of days. Come full summer, it will be wonderful to put on after my shower. I have no doubt that the moisture will last well in the air conditioned dryness at work. It doesn't leave behind any greasy residue and sinks wonderfully into the skin, providing excellent moisture initially and throughout the day. It won't provide heavy hydration, but it doesn't advertise that.

The packaging on the lotion is also nice. It is housed in a glass bottle with a gold pump on top. It is gender-neutral, like the scent, and minimal. This is a bottle you wouldn't be ashamed to leave out on your dressing table or in your bathroom. I am glad that everything is substantial and feels luxurious because at it's price point, I expect everything to be spot-on--no crappy plastic pumps or bottles.

Dr. Hauschka Lavender Sandalwood Body Moisturizer ($39.95, cheaper to be found at Amazon thank heavens!) is excellent. It is wonderfully gender-neutral/slightly floral in scent and neural in packaging, and performs like one would expect a natural body moisturizer to perform at it's price-point. Another great product from Dr. Hauschka!


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