Monday, April 21, 2014

Essence Lash Mania Reloaded Mascara Review

I bought this and no affiliate links either...

I love trying mascaras. Mascara is second on my list of products I love, right after lipstick. I have tried all sorts and currently have 4 waiting for me to try. Good thing I just finished up my 2 open tubes!

This round of trials I am going with this bargain from Essence. How will it compare to other lash-enhancing black formulas I have tried? Will it be good for my sensitive eyes?

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spring Hauls!

I bought all affiliate links either

Happ Caturday everyone! And Happy Easter if you celebrate otherwise Happy weekend!

My lovely lady Pepper-cat would like to invite you in to gaze upon the haul-age and anticipate some wonderful reviews!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Come join me over a Facebook too! 

My April 2014 Ipsy Bag--Beauty Rocks!

I bought this bag affiliate links either.

This month's theme to the subscription-based Ipsy bag  is "Beauty Rocks!" and boy, does it rock this month! The cute, little nylon pouch is stuffed full of goodies this month, including something I was interested in :D Score for actually saving me money Ipsy! 

Let's take a look inside now...

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Covergirl Smoochies Sizzle Gloss Review

I got this in my Target Box that I bought in March. No affiliate links either. 

Does anyone else remember Covergirl Smoochies lipbalm and gloss from middle and high school? I do. I disticntly remember their candy smell and I just loved feeling so grown-up wearing them. I have three or four of the balms, and at least two of the glosses. Even though they didn't provide much color, it was a way to have my makeup approved by my mom before I started working and buying my own (hello Estee Lauder counter!).

I was very, very excited to see in my awesome Target box a cute, peachy pink Sizzle Gloss staring up at me. Would it be everything I remembered?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Stila Smudge Stick Waterproof Eyeliner Review

I bought both of my eyeliners...and no affiliate links either!

Stila has brought out some amazing colors in their Spring line and I am happy to report I got my little claws in two of the brightest ones they had--Turquoise and Mint Julep! 

Jump right on into Spring with me!


Hey dudes! Sorry I was gone for so long! I know it was only really like a week, but it felt longer. Here is a little funny to help amuse you!

But seriously, thanks for sticking with me! I have had a bad couple of weeks physically and I filled in for someone at work last week when the computers went down, which is always bad. Blogging was on my mind, but I didn't have much of a chance to venture out of the conservative, nude makeup bubble my job kinda-sorts requires, lest I scare old ladies.

Did you know you can also follow me on Facebook? Yep. Go follow me there too so I can start some giveaways of goodies! 

And, THANK YOU FOR VISITING! Love you all even though I don't know you (or maybe I do muhahahaha!). Feel free to comment, message, email, etc. It makes my life fun.

Also, feel free to request stuff for me to review and looks you might want me to try out. I can generally help, even though I am not rich or a MUA. I am just determined!

Have a great day peeps!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pixi Beauty Flawless Beauty Primer Review

I bought this...and no affiliate links either!

Let me lead off by saying, I will post with this review a full face (a face-of-the-day or FOTD if you will) look after the review of Pixi Primer using the Ipsy items I received for March. You will finally see how the Bora Bora eyeshadow quad, the Marvelous Moxie lipstick, and this primer all play together for a summer look I call "Where is my swimmy suit?" 

But first things first--the Pixi Beauty Flawless Beauty Primer!

Clicky Clicky!